Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Count down to 2012

Or, my 35th attempt at keeping a diary.

Along with pies, pie history and a bit about our background I would like to record all the thoughts I have whilst travelling this great Kingdom (Thailand) in search of pie Nirvana.  All my down time is spent on long motorbike rides fetching and carrying and generally relaxing.  Many a great thought has been thought and lost to the world on these trips and I would love to be able to revisit them from time to time.

First things first.  Get it written down!  As an incentive, I have offered my wife of 8 years, 100 baht for each day of 2012 that I don't post.  2 quid to a Yorkshire man is no laughing matter and I'll be making it for the most part.

So, as 2011 closes I can look back at what was the perfect Annus Horribilis.  Shit and hassle on top of more hassle with more menial chores than ever and less of the time required to become Asia's first Falang Pie Millionaire.

Tax, Social (herafter referred to as "Big Tree Office") costs, sign tax workpermit fees, Visas and extra just in case taxes and all requiring endless days in offices seemingly of miss-information.  Each visit of 2012 will be logged here with my printable thoughts and an estimation of how much said mystical tour costs the Pie Empire.

Mundane as these functions can seem, they do provide an insight into the culture here,  a culture and way of life not experienced by tourists at large or the average barfly. One such trip to "Big Tree Office" is worthy of a report on trip advisor and I'll see it gets one eventually.

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